Category: Uncategorized

  • Are you giving away profit in the desperation to do the deal?

    Are you or your sales team giving away cash at the final step? We’ve all seen it – the final offer to get the sale over the line.. “If you do the deal today we will give you an extra 60 days credit terms..” This may be the right decision for your business but make… Read more

  • The opposing corners of business..

    ..two books to help navigate strategy vs execution. I’ve found that people in business tend to sit in one of 2 distinct camps: A “Doers” – Let’s crack on – JFDI – focused on executionB “Thinkers” – why are we doing this? – focused on strategy the reality is that any business needs both. If… Read more

  • How do you manage your stock?

    .3 ways not to do it.. 1. Keep buying stuff until you can’t shut the doors.. 2. Buy a massive warehouse.. ..and lose track of everything.– “i’m sure it’s here somewhere?” 3. A gentle discussion each month between sales and operations..– ops blame the forecast accuracy – “tell us what to make!”– sales blame ops… Read more

  • 5 steps to cash confidence in your business

    ..a financial pyramid to improve your business step by step.. Pyramids get a bad press in finance (..perhaps due to Messrs. Ponzi and Madoff..), but this one shows how you build financial confidence from the bottom up. Any lender, investor or potential acquirer will need to know that you are in control of all 5… Read more

  • How do you pick a business name?

    Over the last few months, several people have asked me why my business is called STAMFORD CFO. CFO hopefully speaks for itself – I provide Fractional CFO & Portfolio Finance Director services to businesses across the North West. But why Stamford..? 2 reasons.. 1. Stamford CFO is based in Altrincham, and the name Stamford has… Read more